1. Receiving a Letter in the Mail -- I always find encouragement when I open an envelope addressed to me, knowing that a friend has taken the time to hand-write those words to me. The tangible feel of the always unique stationary and the one-of-a-kind curve and sway of a distinct cursive. I have long been an amateur of letter writing (in the sense that I write for the pure enjoyment of it, not that I'm unskilled or inexperienced in it), and I find great joy in putting little personal touches in a letter -- colour and style of stationary that I am certain the person to whom I am writing will appreciate, coloured ink (on occasion), calligraphy embellishments, and, to finish it off, a personalized wax seal. Ahh! The art of letter writing, and the way it lifts the spirits of both the writer and the reader!
2. Re-Watching a Favourite Comedy with Friends -- There are some movies or
programs that just never get old, particularly when one has the opportunity to re-live the experience (sometimes over and over) with friends who also appreciate the comedy. Some such movies for me are Ishtar (my personal number one), Raising Arizona, and Meet the Parents/Meet the Fockers. Classics, all! And with just the right company, movie night makes for wonderful memories for years to come.

3. Massage -- Whether for therapeutic/medical reasons with a professional, or by my amateur husband (in this case, both untrained and one who enjoys), this most certainly is one of life's little pleasures! So relaxing for me, and it even makes my husband feel good knowing how much enjoyment the massage gives. Of course, one must reciprocate -- so at the end of the evening, we both are feeling relaxed and content, and inevitably a good, deep sleep follows.
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