A Welcome; and a Disclaimer

**The name for this blog might sound pretentious, but that really isn't my intention. Rather, the inspiration for the title came from my realization that, although far from perfect, I strive always to be a better person and to influence those around me in positive ways. While I may not be as influential as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, I do believe that my actions have a ripple effect on the people, things, and environment surrounding me. Please join me as I process this exciting journey!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Gratitude Project: Day 2

Hello again! I must admit that I am feeling a sense of accomplishment (be it ever so premature) at having posted for two consecutive days. This is a first for me, and just may be sufficient motivation to keep up with this as part of my daily routine ;)

It strikes me that a list of just three things is rather incomplete for any day, but perhaps over the course of the month as I sum up 90 gratefulnesses the jigsaw puzzle of the simple (and complex) pleasures that touch my life will begin to take better shape. Besides, who's to say that my list has to end at 90? (Fret not; my published list will end at 90, but my personal list just may go on and on...)!

Three of the things that come to mind this morning are:

1. James Taylor -- Am I allowed to be grateful for people I don't know personally? I think my friend Heather might support me in this one, knowing how she and I share a deep love for and connection with this artist's music. There is something beautiful about a man whose musical and lyrical talent bless the lives of others as he gives expression to the things, both happy and sad, joyous and challenging, that we face every day. I recently learned that he spent a considerable time dealing with depression; strangely enough, rather than diminsh the esteem I have for good ol' James, my respect for and admiration of him increased. There is an honesty and authenticity to him that resonates with me somewhere deep in my soul. And, whether I'm feeling up or down, every time I play his songs my spirit lifts a bit higher and I smile from the inside out.

2. My Husband -- Those of you who know him can attest that, from the moment that he and I met, I nearly instantly arrived at my equilibrium. I am grounded, yet soaring when we are together; there is stability and adventure wherever we go. Every morning I awake grateful to be beside my very best friend; every day I feel the honour of caring for and being cared for by him, and of sharing life together. Life has become more beautiful and memories more magical with him by my side!

3. Skype -- In a world where every day things seem to operate on an increasingly impersonal level, Skype is a fantastic example of a technology that can bring people closer together! During a semester of studies in Guatemala it enabled my then-fiancé and I to talk "face-to-face" every day; and now that we find ourselves living in Central America, it is the medium through which we stay connected with family and friends in Canada and around the world! I am particularly grateful that it has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with our very young nieces, to whom a faceless phone conversation becomes dull after the first 30-seconds. With Skype, at least, I can almost feel their hugs as they hug their computer, and they "help" me give our dog treats from their side of the screen. No matter that he doesn't understand the family connection; it's really not about him anyway! :)

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