A Welcome; and a Disclaimer

**The name for this blog might sound pretentious, but that really isn't my intention. Rather, the inspiration for the title came from my realization that, although far from perfect, I strive always to be a better person and to influence those around me in positive ways. While I may not be as influential as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, I do believe that my actions have a ripple effect on the people, things, and environment surrounding me. Please join me as I process this exciting journey!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Gratitude Project: Day 22

It may be considered cheating to post for more than one day at once, but I'm so far behind and have broken so many rules that, really, this whole activity cannot become much more inconsistent! :-) And, after all, I'm the one in the driver's seat here!

And now to continue reflecting upon some of life's greatest gifts:
1. Forgiveness -- I never cease to be amazed at the love and grace extended when one person forgives another. And I know that I have been the recipient of such grace far more often then I deserve to have been, for I know that, intentionally and unintentionally, my actions and words hurt those around me far more often than what they deserve. Whether because of selfishness, nearsightedness, pride, impatience, or imprudence, or a horrible combination of these, I know that I am imperfect. And I am working on getting even just a wee bit better day by day. And it has been a pleasant surprise for me to find that it is in my still-recent marriage that I most often have these opportunities to change what could be a detrimental gut-reaction and temper it instead with love and patience, with kindness and understanding. And to wait before reacting. I know my husband certainly exercises this kind of grace with me.

2. A Simple Life -- As far back as I can remember, possibly in part having to do with my temperament, I have been drawn to and appreciated a life lived simply. Clutter makes me feel anxious, and meaningless running around and scrambling causes me to want to hide myself away. But true, intentional living I find synonymous with peace and integrity. From uncluttered and streamlined furniture to organized work and storage spaces, from a clean, uncrowded kitchen to a refreshing, restful bedroom -- all this, to me, speaks of calm and of life. I do not enjoy amassing things either out of boredom or a "must-have" mentality; rather, I prefer each element in my home or in my space to have a specific (or multiple) purpose(s) ranging from beauty to functionality. And simplicity with time is another crucial factor. What use is a simple home if the family is always rushing either around inside it or out to another event? A simple life, to me, must include healthy meals with loved ones, reflection, laughter, work, music, rest, and quiet -- all in moderation. This style of living breathes into me new life each day!

3. A Change of Pace -- My husband and I just returned this week from three days in El Salvador, a country which neither of us had visited. We truly enjoyed our time there, between a bit of sightseeing, walking and relaxing. And leaving the comfort zone of our own home in a familiar city always makes me see things with new eyes. There's nothing like a change of pace to remind me how much I appreciate the life I do have, or to remind me of what is missing in terms of relationships and misplaced priorities! And for that fresh breath I am grateful.

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