As my husband and I continue to be in an exceedingly drawn-out period of waiting for him to receive several months' pay for the job he is currently in, we are, out of necessity, holding off on decorating our home -- or buying living room furniture, of which we presently have none. Not a chair, a rug or even an end table. Of course, we are eager once again to enjoy the luxury of a sofa in our home, but we recognize that it is just that: a luxury.
Although I admit that this time of waiting and of highly restricted budget has had its challenges and stress-filled moments, it has also offered us a time of seeing priorities more clearly. Things that we say are "needs" become exposed as the "wants" they truly are; learning to be content in all situations, whether in moments of plenty or of doing without, becomes a possibility if I am open to it; and thankfulness for what we do have -- each other, our health, our love, and our mutual support -- becomes our ongoing cheerleader and brings optimism to a seemingly hopeless situation. I have become grateful for many "little things" which I previously enjoyed almost daily and which, for now, are hopes and dreams for the future. And, in the extra hours which I spend in our home and not at a job, I have been exploring these dreams of what I hope is a not-too-distant future -- dreams which include the following things for which I truly am grateful. (As this post is going with an overall decorating theme, I have taken the liberty of including some photos which have particularly inspi

1. Painting -- Some may know that I had the privilege of working for a paint company several years ago; a job which, on the surface, would seem inconsequential but which, inadvertently, prepared me for a future love of painting once-drab walls with delightfully vibrant colours! The very act of painting I find relaxing, particularly the cutting-in -- which is the very phase which most painters abhore. In it I find peace, tranquility and beauty as I convert my home or another's into a unique work of art, and I look forward to the day when I can take this step with our own current home!
2. Plants -- I need not digress about the richness of life that a potted plant brings to any room. Just imagine the inspiration offered by growing numbers of tropical plants which will someday grace the whole of our home!

3. Texture and Art -- Fabrics, area rugs, furniture styles and colours, paintings and photos framed along the walls -- these are just a few of the elements which make up any room, distinguishing it from all other places on this earth! And what could be more lovely than artfully grouping together such pieces as will bring added life, colour and vibrancy to our house?!
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