A Welcome; and a Disclaimer

**The name for this blog might sound pretentious, but that really isn't my intention. Rather, the inspiration for the title came from my realization that, although far from perfect, I strive always to be a better person and to influence those around me in positive ways. While I may not be as influential as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, I do believe that my actions have a ripple effect on the people, things, and environment surrounding me. Please join me as I process this exciting journey!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Gratitude Project: Day 30

Hallooo!!! I've made it! My plans of writing about three things for which I am grateful for each of 30 days has now come to an end! And it only took me about three months to do it! ;)

I must admit, I'm feeling very free at the thought of now being able to range about a bit more in my writing; however, this has been a fun journey for me to expand a bit upon the "little things" that make my life more beautiful each day.

And now, to end my list, here are a few reflections upon:

1. Family -- You know that saying about how you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family? (Or, wait; maybe it's "you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose"). Okay, well, you know what I mean!

Family is family: quirky, diverse, thoughtful, caring, exasperating -- all these things and many more. And mine is no exception! But I truly am grateful for my family, for who they are and what they do and the fact that (at least, I think this is the case for the majority of them!) they love me unconditionally. I know this is true especially of my Grandmother. Actually, both my grandmothers; although one passed away just over five years ago, now. But my Grandma Neudorf (I think she appeared in an earlier post, perhaps?) truly is my hero. She's generous, full of love, and jolly. Does that sound too Santa Clause-y? Maybe; but it's the best term I can think of to describe her cheerful nature and love of life. But she'll take no nonsense! And she doesn't hesitate to give you what she refers to as "an understanding" when you need it -- whether you're two years old or eighty-two! And I love her for it, because it's always done in love and she'll always give you the very best most love-filled hug afterwards.

I am also grateful that, despite the fact that nobody really "has it all together," they do keep trying. I wish I could give you some specific examples of where I see beautiful redemption happening in what were not-so-beautiful situations, but I don't want to infringe upon their privacy by telling stories that are not mine to tell. But I can say that I admire my Mom for her persistence in going against sub-cultural expectations and control mechanisms nearly two decades ago; I admire my uncle for working with dedication and devotion to take care of his family in a difficult relational situation; and I admire my sister for the attentive and caring mother she has become to my two adorable nieces. And I am honoured to be part of them, part of the same family tree. Though at times it seems we have little or nothing in common, we do share a part of our story -- the story of where we came from and how we grew through it -- and we can choose to walk with one another as we carry on to where we are going.

2. Geographical and Ecological Diversity -- Okay, seriously, our Earth is AMAZING!!! I am astounded at all the variety of plant and animal life in our world -- or even in one small corner of it. And moving from the prairies of Saskatchewan to the tropical climate of Panama the distinctions are even more incredible. I continuously marvel at all the life I see -- and wonder at all I don't see due to foliage or microscopic size! -- and am simply in awe. And grateful to be able to experience it all!

3. Time with my Husband -- Yes, he had made an appearance or two already in this blog, but I think it appropriate to begin and end with him. Ramón is most definitely my best friend, and one of the few people with whom I can spend months and years on end and STILL find new things to discuss and to ponder and to share. Whether we are driving down the causeway in search of a latte overlooking the marina, painting the beach house in 38ºC, or working on our individual articles/assignments, we truly do enjoy being in the company of one another. And I personally think I got the better end of the deal! I am so very grateful to be his wife and that he agreed to be my husband when I proposed!! :)

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