So: I'm still awaiting the delivery of our living room furniture, hence the lack of photos/posting that I promised last Wednesday. Boo. BUT I've been assured by Jamar that the delivery will take place sometime today...and, though assured I don't feel all that we'll just wait and see how that goes. In any case, the promised photos and details will be forthcoming just as soon as we get our beautyous muebles in our home! Sadly, the link to their store doesn't include even half of their furniture selection, but it will at least give you an idea of some of their styles. Elegant minimalist, if I might coin my own term.
In the meantime, here are a couple of things I've been enjoying in the absence of furniture:
- My two dearests, Ramón and Keipo -- whose company I enjoy immensely each day. Unfortunately, we don't have many photos of the three of us together, but I'm hoping to remedy that soon. I've been dreaming of a mini photo shoot including my favourite orange couch love seat!!! Here they are on the floor of our empty living room -- and yes, this pose is a favourite of Keipo's. He's a weirdo, I know; but we love him just the same!

- A new website I discovered just last week: Young House Love. John and Sherry Petersik are fabulously creative Do-It-Yourself-ers, and I've been spending more hours than I care to admit reading their blog and becoming inspired by their ideas. It is beautifully fun to discover a shared passion -- even with people I don't personally know! But this young couple is exciting and engaging, and they've had me rivited to the progress of their ongoing projects.

- I'm also taking a web-based course this semester through the University of Saskatchewan on the good ol' Canadian prairies. The course is called Aboriginal Canada, and so far has explored the basics of the initial contact and subsequent generations of First Nations' and Europeans'/Euro-Canadians' interaction. I'm hoping to share a bit of what I learn with you -- some which I'm sure will be already-learned information (as opposed to "old information"), and other details which may have not yet been explored. I know I'll enjoy the learning process, as I'm kind of a nerd that way, and I'm hopeful that maybe some of my excitement will rub off in our cyber-interaction! In any case, it should be a good time!
Now, off I go to do some more reading -- and hopefully will post later today with the results of our (hopeful) deliveries!!
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