A Welcome; and a Disclaimer

**The name for this blog might sound pretentious, but that really isn't my intention. Rather, the inspiration for the title came from my realization that, although far from perfect, I strive always to be a better person and to influence those around me in positive ways. While I may not be as influential as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, I do believe that my actions have a ripple effect on the people, things, and environment surrounding me. Please join me as I process this exciting journey!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Gratitude Project: Day 29

Hello friends!

I'm feeling particularly chipper this afternoon; I've just had a productive day of reading/studying and, now, a bit of writing, and I just feel encouraged by how well it's all going! Do you ever have those days where things just seem to click and you can retain and process information surprisingly well? (Tempered, of course, by other days in which it seems impossible to focus or retain any new knowledge). Well, today is one of those more positive days -- although it does find me writing in the afternoon instead of my preferred morning moment.

Nonetheless, here are some more tidbits which I find myself appreciating:

1. Art -- Whether hanging on a wall, drawn by a three-year-old, or in the form of a one-of-a-kind hand-crafted ceramic mug (see Day 13 for more on the ceramic mugs), I am so grateful for artistic creations! I just love the way that a splash of colour or the combination of several can bring a new dimension to a room, a conversation, or even to my day. And, as much as I love having these varied works of art displayed throughout my life, I also enjoy creating them. Not that I'm much of a painter, and I've never tried sculpting, although I would love to; I simply mean putting an artistic flair into what I do. Whether my assignments (nerdy, right?!), my clothes (though I boast no fashion sense!), or the way I am, along with my husband, slowly but surely shaping our home into a space that reflects us -- in all these ways I am grateful for expression and creativity which, ultimately, lead to beautiful works of art! Hmmm... I'm thinking that this might call for some more thoughts on the idea of our lives as art.

2. Wittiness -- Is this a term? What I mean by this is the act of being witty, but I thought that might sound too wordy to begin with. In any case I am fascinated by people who seem to have just the right thing to say in the snap of a moment, a clever little comment -- not snide or condescending, mind you -- something intelligent and thought-provoking. I have the pleasure of knowing a few such people in my personal life: my dear friend Kathy, my compaƱera Brit, and my sister-like Melissa. Each of these are intelligent, thoughtful women and I admire their bright sense of humour and optimism about life -- and, I believe these, perhaps, just might be the characteristics which spark such fantastic barbs of wit!

Now, sadly, I have not had the pleasure of meeting personally another such intelligent, witty someone; this chap is a mite more famous than my aforementioned friends -- and, additionally, a lot more controversial. But I, however, happen to find his humour simply side-splitting and positively one of a kind! His name, dear readers, is Eddie Izzard, and he is a British comedian and "executive transvestite," as he himself will declare! (Now, if I can get my limited video-linking skills to work I will be pleased as punch to share a clip of his work with you below). I guess for now a link will have to suffice -- but please do take a look at this excerpt from his show Dress to Kill.

3. Pizza -- Yes, you've probably already noted that food and beverages make regular appearances in these things for which I am grateful. And with good reason! With so many flavours in this world, such diverse cuisine, one could spend a lifetime savouring new dishes and learning a wealth of culinary knowledge: and all this comes to a head in the pizza. At least, for me it does. My good friend Ashley, whose blog I recommended earlier and whose link I'll place right here once more, just wrote about her desire to travel to Italy. Ahhh, such a fabulous country! And ever since my first experience with true Italian cuisine in the heart of Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples and Cinque Terre, I have been enamoured with pizza. And so, upon returning to Canada from the lovely Old-World Country, I set about learning to fashion my own after what I tasted there. And the results have been heavenly! Not that I generally boast about my accomplishments, but here is a skill -- an art, if you will! -- which my friends and family will enthusiastically confirm that I am in the process of mastering. I always, always begin with a homemade pizza dough and sauce, and then add on the toppings. My personal and long-standing favourite: prosciutto, pear, and carmelized onions topped with fresh time. To die for!

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