A Welcome; and a Disclaimer

**The name for this blog might sound pretentious, but that really isn't my intention. Rather, the inspiration for the title came from my realization that, although far from perfect, I strive always to be a better person and to influence those around me in positive ways. While I may not be as influential as Mother Theresa or Gandhi, I do believe that my actions have a ripple effect on the people, things, and environment surrounding me. Please join me as I process this exciting journey!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Gratitude Project: Day 15

1. Book Clubs -- As one who loves to read, my enjoyment of reading has only been heightened by belonging to a book club. Ahh, to be able to discuss -- intellectually, emotionally, personally -- a particular novel or non-fiction work with fellow passionate readers is to enter into the literary world on an even deeper level and to bring its pleasure to the fullest!

2. A Cold Beer On a Hot Day -- Really, this requires no further explanation besides to remark on how refreshing and pleasurable is this beverage here in the tropics!

3. The Sound of a Cat Purring -- So soothing, so utterly peaceful, absolutely reassuring. And no matter how independent was my Kitty, she always delighted in my company and had no qualms about letting me know to what extent with her generous purring!

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